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This hard X-ray exit slit unit is part of the combined hard and soft X-ray EMIL beamlines at BESSY.
This soft X-ray exit slit unit is part of the combined hard and soft X-ray EMIL beamlines at BESSY.
This soft X-ray exit slit unit is part of the combined hard and soft X-ray EMIL beamlines at BESSY. The vacuum chamber accomodates not only the actual beam but also the passing hard X-ray beam of the neighbouring branch.
This is the first monochromator built by Bestec with a liquid nitrogen cooling system, which was developed in cooperation with ESRF. At a temperature around 120 K, the expansion coefficient of silicon is close to 0. Therefore, a temperature distribution with strong variation does not lead to a significant deformation of the optical surface.
This exit slit unit is the first featuring a modified design of the slit blade mechanics for improved alignment stability. A custumized wedge leveler was used for a more convenient and reliable height adjustment of the slit unit.
For this collimating mirror unit we developed the constant-strut-length hexapod mechanism, which allows for a motorized movement in six degrees of freedom. Exceptionally large ranges can be covered with very high speed and positioning repeatability. The large rotational roll range travelled in a few seconds enables polarization switching e.g. for XMCD experiments.
This monochromator was the first soft X-ray monochomator delivered to the world's first X-ray free-electron laser at LCLS at SLAC.
Exit slit unit for soft X-ray FEL radiation. Delivered in 2010 for Soft X-ray beamline at LCLS, Stanford Linear accelerator Center, USA
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