P429 – Mirror Unit SIX NSLS-II
Mirror unit (M3) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation
Year of delivery
Installation site
SIX beamline at the synchrotron radiation source NSLS-II, USA
The constant-strut-length hexapod design used in this soft X-ray deflecting mirror unit is adapted from that of the EMIL beamlines hexapods (see projects P405 to P412). This mirror unit is part of the SIX beamline, dedicated to high resolution soft X-ray scattering experiments. Energy resolution and pointing stability are here of crucial importance.
Design Features
Constant-strut-length hexapod mechanism.
- Six degrees of freedom and selectable rotation center.
- Spectral range: 150 – 2000 eV.
- Optical elements: one focusing mirror.
Indirect cooling of the mirror with copper braids.
- Electrode in front of each mirror surface.
- Temperature sensors at mirror holder and chin guard.
- Permanently installed bakeout provisions.
- Adjustable support structure.
Performance Features
- High positioning resolution (minimum incremental motion).
- High stability and repeatability for all degrees of freedom.
- Minimized mounting induced deformations.
Outer Dimensions
Technical specifications and performance values
Vacuum chamber
Chamber type
cylindrical, vertical axis
Main flanges
at the top
1.4404 (C < 0.02%)
Base pressure
10-10 mbar range
Optical design parameters
Beam height
1419.25 mm
Number of mirrors
Surface shape
elliptical cylinder
Mirror dimensions
410 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm
Actuator drives for hexapod axes
Resolution (design value)
0.004 µm /motor fine step
(1/128, recommended)
0.005 µm /encoder count
Mirror mechanics
Pitch rotation
± 10 mrad
Resolution (measured value)
0.05 µrad
0.09 µrad (pitch)
0.14 µrad (roll)
Long-term stability (6h)
0.05 µrad
Roll rotation
± 40 mrad
Resolution (measured value)
0.05 µrad
0.18 µrad (pitch)
0.06 µrad (roll)
Lateral translation
-18 mm to +10 mm
1 µm